
A release is a bundle of operators of a specific stable version. The stable versions of the operators are tested and proven to work hand in hand. If you want to install a single individual operator, have a look at the Operator command.

Browse available releases

To list the available Stackable releases run the following command:

$ stackablectl release list
22.06              2022-06-30     First official release of the Stackable Data Platform

Detailed information of a release can be queried with the describe command:

$ stackablectl release describe 22.06
Release:            22.06
Release date:       2022-06-30
Description:        First official release of the Stackable Data Platform
Included products:

airflow             0.4.0
commons             0.2.0
druid               0.6.0
hbase               0.3.0
hdfs                0.4.0
hive                0.6.0
kafka               0.6.0
nifi                0.6.0
opa                 0.9.0
secret              0.5.0
spark-k8s           0.3.0
superset            0.5.0
trino               0.4.0
zookeeper           0.10.0

In the output you can see which product operators are included in the specific release.

Install release

If you want to access a Kubernetes cluster, make sure your kubectl Kubernetes client is configured to interact with the Kubernetes cluster. After that run the following command:

$ stackablectl release install 22.06
[INFO ] Installing release 22.06
[INFO ] Installing airflow operator in version 0.4.0
[INFO ] Installing commons operator in version 0.2.0
[INFO ] Installing druid operator in version 0.6.0
[INFO ] Installing hbase operator in version 0.3.0
[INFO ] Installing hdfs operator in version 0.4.0
[INFO ] Installing hive operator in version 0.6.0
[INFO ] Installing kafka operator in version 0.6.0
[INFO ] Installing nifi operator in version 0.6.0
[INFO ] Installing opa operator in version 0.9.0
[INFO ] Installing secret operator in version 0.5.0
[INFO ] Installing spark-k8s operator in version 0.3.0
[INFO ] Installing superset operator in version 0.5.0
[INFO ] Installing trino operator in version 0.4.0
[INFO ] Installing zookeeper operator in version 0.10.0

If you don’t have a Kubernetes cluster available, stackablectl can spin up a kind Kubernetes cluster for you. Make sure you have kind installed and run the following command:

$ stackablectl release install 22.06 --kind-cluster
[INFO ] Creating kind cluster stackable-data-platform
Creating cluster "stackable-data-platform" ...
 ✓ Ensuring node image (kindest/node:v1.21.1) 🖼
 ✓ Preparing nodes 📦 📦 📦 📦
 ✓ Writing configuration 📜
 ✓ Starting control-plane 🕹️
 ✓ Installing CNI 🔌
 ✓ Installing StorageClass 💾
 ✓ Joining worker nodes 🚜
Set kubectl context to "kind-stackable-data-platform"
You can now use your cluster with:

kubectl cluster-info --context kind-stackable-data-platform

Have a nice day! 👋
[INFO ] Installing release 22.06
[INFO ] Installing airflow operator in version 0.4.0
[INFO ] Installing commons operator in version 0.2.0
[INFO ] Installing druid operator in version 0.6.0
[INFO ] Installing hbase operator in version 0.3.0
[INFO ] Installing hdfs operator in version 0.4.0
[INFO ] Installing hive operator in version 0.6.0
[INFO ] Installing kafka operator in version 0.6.0
[INFO ] Installing nifi operator in version 0.6.0
[INFO ] Installing opa operator in version 0.9.0
[INFO ] Installing secret operator in version 0.5.0
[INFO ] Installing spark-k8s operator in version 0.3.0
[INFO ] Installing superset operator in version 0.5.0
[INFO ] Installing trino operator in version 0.4.0
[INFO ] Installing zookeeper operator in version 0.10.0

After installing the release we can list the running operators with the Operator command.

$ stackablectl operator installed
OPERATOR              VERSION         NAMESPACE                      STATUS           LAST UPDATED
airflow               0.4.0           default                        deployed         2022-07-15 10:00:25.499615024 +0200 CEST
commons               0.2.0           default                        deployed         2022-07-15 10:00:27.868162264 +0200 CEST
druid                 0.6.0           default                        deployed         2022-07-15 10:00:38.219966654 +0200 CEST
hbase                 0.3.0           default                        deployed         2022-07-15 10:00:46.581528077 +0200 CEST
hdfs                  0.4.0           default                        deployed         2022-07-15 10:00:56.949394849 +0200 CEST
hive                  0.6.0           default                        deployed         2022-07-15 10:01:07.314849464 +0200 CEST
kafka                 0.6.0           default                        deployed         2022-07-15 10:01:09.702246063 +0200 CEST
nifi                  0.6.0           default                        deployed         2022-07-15 10:01:12.059869868 +0200 CEST
opa                   0.9.0           default                        deployed         2022-07-15 10:01:14.413966761 +0200 CEST
secret                0.5.0           default                        deployed         2022-07-15 10:01:16.759818535 +0200 CEST
spark-k8s             0.3.0           default                        deployed         2022-07-15 10:01:17.149187107 +0200 CEST
superset              0.5.0           default                        deployed         2022-07-15 10:01:19.529351352 +0200 CEST
trino                 0.4.0           default                        deployed         2022-07-15 10:01:29.867283641 +0200 CEST
zookeeper             0.10.0          default                        deployed         2022-07-15 10:01:40.24662955 +0200 CEST

Uninstall release

To uninstall all operators contained in a release regardless of their actual installed versions, you can use the uninstall command:

$ stackablectl release uninstall 22.06
[INFO ] Uninstalling release 22.06
[INFO ] Uninstalling airflow operator
[INFO ] Uninstalling commons operator
[INFO ] Uninstalling druid operator
[INFO ] Uninstalling hbase operator
[INFO ] Uninstalling hdfs operator
[INFO ] Uninstalling hive operator
[INFO ] Uninstalling kafka operator
[INFO ] Uninstalling nifi operator
[INFO ] Uninstalling opa operator
[INFO ] Uninstalling secret operator
[INFO ] Uninstalling spark-k8s operator
[INFO ] Uninstalling superset operator
[INFO ] Uninstalling trino operator
[INFO ] Uninstalling zookeeper operator