No internet connectivity
uses an internet connection to always know of all the available versions, releases, stacks and demos.
To achieve this the following online services will be contacted:
URL | Purpose |
---|---| |
Retrieve the list of current operator stable versions |
Retrieve the list of current operator development versions |
Retrieve the list of current operator test versions |
| |
List of releases provided by Stackable | |
List of stacks provided by Stackable | |
List of demos provided by Stackable |
Mirror helm-charts
To allow stackablectl to retrieve the current list of operators you must mirror the*/index.yaml
files to some local URL.
If the file is mirrored e.g. to https://my.corp/stackable/repository/helm-stable/index.yaml
, you need to specify the following arguments to stackablectl
$ stackablectl --helm-repo-stackable-stable https://my.corp/stackable/repository/helm-stable operator list
Mirror releases/stacks/demos files
You need to mirror the URL to either a URL or a file on disk.
You can then specify the mirrored file to be included via --additional-releases-file
, --additional-stacks-file
, or --additional-demos-file
, e.g.
$ stackablectl --additional-releases-file=/home/sbernauer/Downloads/releases.yaml release list