Add a release


If advanced users of the Stackable Platform want to define their own internal release within their company, they can easily add their own release. This has the following benefits:

  • Same operator versions across the whole company. This produces more uniform environments and makes debugging and helping other teams easier.

  • If the company is only interested in a subset of the available operators you can only add your relevant operators into your release and not install all the other operators.

1. Create a releases.yaml

For a custom release you need to create a mycorp-releases.yaml containing releases according to the format defined by the Stackable provided releases. You can pick any number of operators in arbitrary versions.

As of writing a releases.yaml file could look as follows:

    releaseDate: 2022-11-10
    description: Internal release of the SDP
        operatorVersion: 0.4.0
        operatorVersion: 0.8.0
        operatorVersion: 0.11.0
        operatorVersion: 0.6.0
        operatorVersion: 0.6.0
        operatorVersion: 0.7.0
        operatorVersion: 0.8.0

2. Add releases.yaml to stackablectl invocation

After creating the mycorp-releases.yaml file it can be added to the available releases in stackablectl via the CLI argument --additional-releases-file mycorp-release.yaml.

The argument to --additional-releases-file can be either a path to a file on the local filesystem or an URL. By using an URL the releases file can be put into a central Git repository and referenced by all teams or clients. Multiple --additional-releases-file flags can be specified to include multiple releases files.

Every additional release will be added to the already existing releases in stackablectl, so all the available releases files will be merged.